Page 9 - lemaitre_leroux
P. 9

The genesis of a vocation

                      Françoise LEMAÎTRE-LEROUX was born in
               Dieppe on November 25th 1948 to a modest family.   After primary school, Françoise attended the secon-
               Her father was a fisherman, and nothing predestined   dary school for vocational training ‘Emulation Diep-
               the little girl to become a painter. However, at the age   poise’. “I wanted to grow up”, Françoise confesses,
               of eight, she decorated her school exercise books with   giving the expression a double meaning. “I surroun-
               drawings and illustrations. This habit was so unpromp-  ded myself with reasonably privileged friends whose
               ted that it naturally drew her teachers’ attention. At   parents  encouraged  me  to  develop  an  identity  for
               Florian Primary School – a Catholic school in the popu-  myself.  At  school,  I  felt  I  was  not  treated  as  well
               lar port area of Pollet in Dieppe – little Françoise did   as  the  young  girls  from  the  upper-middle  class.  My
               not go unnoticed. “You are an example to the others!”   marks were always lower than I expected. One day,
               she heard every time her teacher came and bent over   no longer able to bear this unfairness, I went to see
               her work. But, sadly, the little girl never saw her ‘ar-  the headmistress who, after listening to my protests,
               twork’ once the summer holidays came. At the end   replied only by giving me detention. I will not do it,
               of the school year, her sought-after notebooks were   I replied straight away, because I won’t be coming to
               filed away in the school archives, which she undoubte-  school tomorrow. The following day, I found a job at a
               dly felt was unjust. “Some time later, when I went to   greengrocer’s.”
               the Franciscan Fathers’ School, I looked at their books   Françoise  then  had  a  succession  of  different  jobs.
               with admiration” the painter says. “I was impressed   First she worked in a perfume shop, then an electrical
               by the precision of the handwriting in those extraor-  shop, followed by a cleaning firm. This chapter in her
               dinary books. Having a similar inclination to form my   life ended when she was hired by the Prisunic group
               letters very carefully, I felt reassured in my approach   in 1964. Her smart appearance had caught the atten-
               to writing.”                                       tion of the management. She remained two years in

               Françoise, dreamy in nature and drawn to the spiri-  the shop until 1966. Her interpersonal skills, already
               tual life, sought the atmosphere of churches where   considerably developed through her frequent contact
               the  presence  of  works  of  art  stimulated  her  perso-  with customers, made her increasingly successful. She
               nal talent. “It was as if they were calling me : a sign   was on the point of being promoted to head of depart-
               that a ‘higher’ life could exist down here. For me this   ment when she left her job to move to Rouen.
               represented a source of balance” she admits. “Around   Françoise’s openness earnt her the title of “Dauphine”
               the age of eight or nine, as if out of necessity, my life   of the Dieppe district of Janval when she was sixteen.
               orientated  itself  towards  the  research  for  beautiful   She has always felt the need to be recognized. For
               things  and  at  the  age  of  thirteen  I  drew  a  portrait   her, knowing she was loved was a source of energy.
               of Christ inspired by a pious work. I even decided to   This need was to be fulfilled when she met Alain and
               re-invent  the  colours  in  it.  I  particularly  remember   experienced her first successes in painting.
               the blue. It was through this experiment that I felt
               something trigger in me, a premonition of my future,   Throughout  her  youth,  Françoise  saw  to  it  that  she
               which was still far off. A child like me could only em-  kept alive her passion for drawing. To her, it repre-
               bark on such a path alone, for my parents had no idea   sented  real  moral  support.  “The  dialogue  I  needed
               of my inner world. It was like a secret passion that has   was established through paper. My dreams poured out
               allowed me to develop in the course of time. These   onto it, it was my source of balance” she explains.
               ordeals  serve  to  enrich  us  and  make  us  less  vulne-  “But  my  life  really  started  when  I  met Alain.  With
               rable.”                                            him, doors were to open one after another. I had at

               Even though Françoise had to mourn the loss of her   last  found  someone  who  loved  art  and  understood
               pretty school books, she has never regretted drawing.   what was deep inside me…”
               In her childhood solitude, this little girl from Dieppe   Alain and Françoise married in 1967, the same year
               loved learning poems, which heightened her sensibi-  they moved to Rouen. The following year, two char-
               lity every time an emotion seized her heart. When she   ming twin girls were born: Christine, who was to be-
               happened to ‘recite’ poems in front of her friends or   come an actress, and Nathalie, who is a dental sur-
               an audience, she lived out her text literally as if she   geon, orthodontist today.
               were performing it.                                                                                11
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